CALEA Policy

CALEA Policy and Law Enforcement Request Method of Procedure


Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (“CALEA”) is intended to preserve the ability of law enforcement agencies to conduct electronic surveillance while protecting the privacy of information outside the scope of the investigation. LogicomUSA will also require compliance with its Customer Protected Network Information (“CPNI”) Policy when responding to a request made under this CALEA Policy. LogicomUSA is a technology system integrator and a VoIP service provider. LogicomUSA’s customers utilizing VoIP products are the entities facing the end user subscriber (a LogicomUSA VoIP Partner) and, therefore, the entity that can best verify the identity of the end user subscriber and, furthermore, is the best source for records relating to both the telephone number in use and the end user subscriber address. To a lesser extent, LogicomUSA serves residential and business customers directly on a retail basis.

Routine and Historical Records Requests

We may verify target telephone numbers for law enforcement based on an authenticated request with the sole purpose of expediting the first step of serving a formal request when LogicomUSA is the proper entity to serve to obtain current end-user information and other records related to the use of a telephone number. In such cases, we may be able to provide our VoIP Partner’s CALEA compliance contact information. That entity will then make its own independent assessment of any request sent to them or forwarded to them.

Call Detail Records (“CDRs”)

Typically, CDRs must be pursued directly from the entity facing the end user/subscriber. We cannot forward a subpoena addressed to LogicomUSA to another entity or provider. To the extent we have CDRs, they are readily accessible for approximately 45 days.

Compliance with our CPNI Policy will be required when responding to any request for CDRs. If, after your review of our CPNI guidelines, you believe LogicomUSA is the appropriate source for providing CDRs, please contact LogicomUSA’s CPNI Officer.

Civil Subpoenas

Subpoenas issued in matters of civil litigation in which LogicomUSA is a non-party must be served in accordance with our Civil Subpoena Guidelines, which also provides for methods of service, applicable fees, and requirement for a protective order when seeking CDR’s.

Civil Subpoena Guidelines

Civil litigants generally will want to issue an initial request to LogicomUSA for the purpose of identifying our customer and, thereafter, pursue CDRs through a legal subpoena directly to that LogicomUSA VoIP Partner. LogicomUSA will initially and conditionally provide an estimate of the LogicomUSA CDR Processing Fee applicable to all CDR requests.

Protective Order

Where LogicomUSA is required to provide/produce CDRs, such production will only occur pursuant to a protective order issued by the court having jurisdiction in the case. Such orders will be limited in both access and use, specifically for purposes of litigation and appeal.

Trace Back Exception

Call Trace Back is the exceptional, isolated circumstance in which LogicomUSA CDRs may contain some unique information. Call Trace Back is the telecom industry’s process of recreating the path of a telephone call in reverse (i.e., going from the called party’s service provider to one or more intermediate providers, and ultimately to the calling party’s service provider). If the calling name/number is spoofed/blocked that manipulation occurs prior to the network and therefore our records reflect only the spoofed/blocked details, the network-level details of a CDR will remain unaffected. By recreating the call path, the originating network can be determined, and thereby, the actual calling number and end user subscriber’s identity. Specific details will be required, by way of example “the call from NPA-NXX-1234 to NPA-NXX-5678 on MM/DD/YYYY at 12:23 pm ET for 45 seconds”. Allow at least 24 hours for a Call Trace Back request for a call made within the prior thirty (30) days. Call Trace Back requests for calls made more than thirty (30) days prior will typically require archive retrieval and must allow at least fifteen (15) business days for processing and an ICB processing fee will apply. Fees may also apply for voluminous requests.

LogicomUSA shall cooperate with Call Trace Back requests as may be applicable and in compliance with our STIR/SHAKEN and Robocall Mitigation Policy.

Submitting a Formal Lawful Request for Information

All requests must include, at a minimum, the following information:

  1. Full contact information with Agency name, physical address, E-mail address and direct contact telephone number.
  2. Target telephone number(s) in the XXX-XXX-XXXX format.
  3. Specific dates (To/From in MM/DD/YYYY format) for which information is being requested.
  4. Brief description of the matter.

E-mail the request to with a copy of your subpoena, court order, search warrant, or other formal legal documentation. If you have multiple requests, please submit only one (1) legal document per E-mail to ensure individual tickets are created in our system. For requests involving ten (10) or more numbers please attach an Excel, or text file listing target telephone numbers in the XXX-XXX- XXXX format, one (1) telephone number per line.

Faxed legal demands will NOT be processed. Submit Legal Demands via email to We do NOT consent to fax transmission.

Normal Hours of Availability

Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Central Time.

Exigent Formal Lawful Requests

If you have a declared exigent circumstance as established by your agency’s guidelines, send an E-mail to with the word “Exigent” in the

E-mail subject line.

Exigent Requests Outside Normal Business Hours

If you have a declared exigent circumstance as established by your agency’s guidelines, outside of our normal business hours contact Written requests will be required, no action will be taken based on a verbal request.

Intercept Arrangements

LogicomUSA is generally not the optimal point for intercept arrangements (i.e., we typically do not carry all traffic relating to a telephone number across our network). If you believe that LogicomUSA is the appropriate location for your register/intercept, please first contact for assistance. Upon receipt of an order or warrant directing LogicomUSA to establish an intercept arrangement and following verification of the Submitting Agency’s understanding of the limitations as described herein, LogicomUSA will notify applicable third-party vendors, who will then contact the Submitting Agency directly to arrange for implementation. The applicable third-party vendor is NOT authorized to accept the service of a Legal Demand on behalf of LogicomUSA.

Note: LogicomUSA is a VoIP Service Provider and not a wireless carrier therefore there is no pingable, GPS, or cell site location information native to our Service Provider customers’ numbers and therefore not available from us.

LogicomUSA reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time. Notification of any material changes will be made via electronically, or other means permitted by law, including by posting it on our company website. Concerns regarding this Policy should be directed to the LogicomUSA Regulatory Compliance Department at

Effective: 07/01/2024

Version 2.0